Jouw VO2max verhogen door specifiek te trainen

De grote droom van iedere (duur)sporter: een zo hoog mogelijke maximale zuurstofopname (VO2max). Maar wist je dat de mate waarin training invloed heeft op het verhogen van de VO2 max deels genetisch bepaald is? Wat de VO2 max precies is, wat de trainbaarheid hiervan inhoudt en hoe je dat toepast in jouw training, leggen we hieronder uit. […]
Power vs Duration

An important aspect for athletes to know is the degree of having strength compared to endurance. You can therefore see whether you have a aptitude for endurance sport, for example. This data is also important to create an optimal training schedule . With our DNA sport test you will find out all about this, but even much […]
Maximum oxygen uptake

Are you curious about your maximum oxygen uptake? Or would you like to have your aptitude for VO2max determined? We can view your genetic profile with our DNA sport test and let you know how your VO2max is. Of course we look at the gender and age, and the data of a good oxygen uptake. […]
Lactate Threshold

Do you want to know what your genetic predisposition for the lactate threshold is? We can determine your lactate threshold based on 3 genes. With our Sport DNA test, this is 1 of the many parts that you can gain insight into. From nutrients to energy Nutrients can be converted into energy in two ways: […]