Allergies and DNA

Strawberries, pollen, chocolate and even a jackhammer, lawnmowers or bumpy bus rides can cause hives, rashes or headaches in some people, leaving them feeling very tired. So these people get an allergic reaction. Omnigen is researching the DNA allergy test.

Genes and allergies

The cause of the allergic reaction has long been a mystery and appears to be partly to be found in the genes. A mutation in the genes can cause allergic reactions. More research needs to be done to understand exactly how this works and whether it can be prevented in the future.


In addition to the influence of genes, other matters also play a role, such as the microbiome and the interaction between the microbiome and the immune system. The microbiome is made up of all the microorganisms you carry with you, plus the genetic material they carry with them. Most of this is made up of bacteria. These bacteria often have a function for the body or the immune system.


Scientists have found that individuals with allergic reactions when exposed to vibrations have a mutation in the ADGRE2 gene. This gene is associated with an increased immune response. The ADGRE2 gene provides a protein that regulates the immune system in most cells. Normally, this protein has its own place in the cell, but due to the mutation, the protein no longer fits well in the cell. Vibrations can break off a piece of the protein, causing the body to think that a pathogen is entering the body… And the body responds to it.

The benefits of allergies

Originally, allergic reactions were intended to keep parasites and viruses out of the body. Nowadays people live much cleaner and therefore have less to do with parasites. Because the body therefore has to keep fewer parasites outside the body, the immune system will focus more on the less harmful proteins. The shapes of these proteins resemble the parasites, which means that they are ‘attacked’ by the body. There are other theories about the appearance of allergic reactions and much research is still needed to determine the exact cause so that better treatments can be developed for them. Omnigen conducts research into allergies and their causes (DNA allergy test), in order to reduce the unpleasant consequences.