

The Somnogenomics-report provides insight into the genetic predisposition to various aspects of sleep. On average, we spend one third of our lives sleeping.

A good night’s sleep is important for the recovery of the body and mind. With insight into the genetic predisposition to different elements of sleep, you get to know yourself better and you may be able to improve your night’s sleep or adjust your daily rhythm to your sleep needs.

PLEASE NOTE: The Somnogenomics-report can only be purchased in combination with the Stress-genomics-report.

Sleep time and Sleep time

A morning person will be more active in the early morning and will be a lot more productive during the first hours of an early working day than a night person.

There are genetic variants that play a role in this, and understanding this may mean you might want to plan your workday differently, if possible. The need for sleep also has a genetic factor.

Someone who genetically needs a lot of sleep would do well to take this into account. to keep up.

Sleep latency

One falls asleep before his or her head hits the pillow, while another needs half an hour of ceiling staring every night.

The time between going to bed and actually falling asleep is of course different every night, but the average length of this has a genetic aspect.

Sleep quality

It will seem familiar to everyone that not every night of sleep brings the same well-rested feeling.

A short night has an effect, but nights with sufficient sleep will not always feel as refreshing. The regenerative effect of a night depends on several aspects, for example restlessness during sleep and the number of times waking up per night can play a role.

Genetically, different genes influence the quality of sleep and how rested someone feels during the day.

Caffeine Induced Insomnia

Most people probably know that coffee and the psychoactive substance caffeine it contains are not conducive to a good night’s sleep.

For example, some people can no longer drink coffee after dinner without being bothered at bedtime, while others have much less.

In addition to a built-up tolerance to caffeine through regular consumption, genetic variants affect this individual sensitivity to caffeine.

Sleep Deprivation Resistance

Unfortunately, we don’t get a good night’s sleep every night. There are many reasons why we don’t get to the minimum amount of sleep we need per night.

The extent to which this sleep deprivation, also called sleep deprivation, has an effect on, for example, concentration and cognitive abilities the next day, can differ greatly.

Genes are related to the extent to which sleep deprivation affects our mental capacities, we call this sleep deprivation resistance.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disease that consists of unpleasant sensations in the legs, such as pain and tingling, which often lead to a strong urge to moving the legs because this can sometimes relieve the unpleasant feeling.

The complaints mainly occur in the evening, just before going to bed and during the night. The Somnogenomics-report estimates the risk of RLS based on eleven genetic markers.

Sleep time and Sleep time

Sleep quality

Caffeine Induced Insomnia

Sleep Deprivation Resistance

Restless Legs Syndrome


body package

Most chosen!






Geeft inzicht in jouw genetische aanleg met betrekking tot verschillende stofwisselingsprocessen van het lichaam. Een genetisch profiel kan helpen de juiste keuzes te maken om aan de dagelijkse nutriëntenbehoefte van het lichaam te voldoen.

Een genetisch profiel kan helpen de juiste keuzes te maken om aan de dagelijkse nutriëntenbehoefte van het lichaam te voldoen.

Gezond gewicht




(W)eet je dat?

Nutrition +

Biedt aanvulling op en verdieping van ons Nutrigenomics-rapport, met aanvullende informatie over de macro- en micronutriënten, zodat je een goede basis hebt om gezonde keuzes te maken.





Micronutriënten: in het lichaam en jouw voeding


Geeft inzicht in verschillende genetische eigenschappen die van invloed kunnen zijn op jouw sportprestaties. Inzicht in de aanleg voor eigenschappen die de prestaties beïnvloeden kunnen je helpen de maximale prestaties te behalen in jouw favoriete sport.

Kracht versus duursport

VO2max trainbaarheid





Athletics +

Biedt een uitgebreide uitleg hoe goede training de sportprestaties kan verbeteren en hoe je een trainingsschema kan opstellen of optimaliseren om jouw prestaties te maximaliseren.








Somnogenomics & Stress-genomics

Somnogenomics kijkt naar genetische eigenschappen die te maken hebben met slaap en een goede nachtrust. Stress-genomics geeft inzicht in jouw genetische aanleg voor verschillende eigenschappen die iets kunnen vertellen over hoe gevoelig jij bent voor, en hoe jouw lichaam omgaat met stress.

Slaaptijd en Slaapduur


Cafeïne geïnduceerde slapeloosheid


Restless Legs Syndrome

Worrier versus Warrior

Stress en sociale steun

Herstel van acute stress

Hartslagrespons op stress

Effect van stress op het lichaam



Geeft een overzicht van jouw genetische aanleg met betrekking tot verschillende eigenschappen van de huid van met name het gezicht. Bij de keuze voor een huidverzorgingsproduct kan kennis van de genetische aanleg deze keuze mogelijk sturen.



Intrinsieke huidveroudering


Dit minirapport geeft een kijkje in hoeveel genetische varianten jij bezit die van Neanderthaler-oorsprong zijn en hoe dit zich verhoudt tot andere mensen. 


Neancestry vergeleken met


Provides insight into your genetic predisposition with regard to various metabolic processes in the body. A genetic profile can help make the right choices to meet the body’s daily nutrient needs.

A genetic profile can help make the right choices to meet the body’s daily nutrient needs.

Healthy weight

Macronutrient Balance


Salt sensitivity

Do you know?