What is DNA?

The double helix: the world-famous form of DNA

We know that every person is unique. This all has to do with a personal code in the very depths of our cells. A code we call DNA. But what exactly is DNA? What is DNA? DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Simply put, it is the carrier of all our hereditary information. Half of this […]

Healthy weight

Healthy weight

For a healthy weight you have to look for your daily energy needs and your calorie intake. Calculating your energy needs will give you more insight into how much (basic) energy your body needs. You should also look at your activity level. With our DNA test food we look at your genetic predisposition for everything […]

The Neanderthal: the repressed sister of modern man?

The Neanderthal: the repressed sister of modern man?

The Neanderthals. Modern humans once lived side by side with this extinct human species. Now we, the  Homo sapiens, are the only ones who still inhabit this globe. But Neanderthal DNA is still nestled within our own.  how many percent of Neanderthals wijare we actually made of? The first great apes Let’s grab our time machine. […]

In Conversation With: Henry Cheung

In Conversation With: Henry Cheung

Who are the faces behind Omniyou? It’s high time to reveal this one. First, our sales and account manager and supporting researcher Henry Cheung gives a glimpse into his life. Can you tell us something about your study background? “It all started with studying Laboratory Education in Leiden. After this I decided to switch to […]

Predisposition to acne

Predisposition to acne

In our DNA skin test we can show whether you have an (increased)  predisposition for acne. There are several genes that influence this. What is acne? What we normally call acne is officially called acne vulgaris. It is one of the most common skin complaints and affects almost 10% of the world population. It arises, […]

Your body as the recipe book for a personalized diet

Your body as the recipe book for a personalized diet

Summer is almost upon us, and for many people that is a good reason to lose those winter kilos. While one can easily lose weight by eating fewer snacks, the other has already followed different types of diets without success. Could a personalized diet based on your DNA help you lose weight faster? One-size-fits-all principle Are carbohydrates […]

Omniyou DNA reports: your tools for a healthier lifestyle

Omniyou DNA reports: your tools for a healthier lifestyle

Adopting a healthier lifestyle can sometimes be quite a challenge. We, Omniyou, are happy to provide you with the right personalized tools. Our goal is to enable you to adopt  a healthier lifestylebased on your biology. We translate genetic data into daily practice in a comprehensible manner. What is a healthy lifestyle for you? Tiny variations with […]

How much deep sleep do you need?

How much deep sleep do you need?

Sleep like a rose. When someone is sleeping soundly, red blushes sometimes appear on the cheeks. The red color of a rose. This proverb refers to the  deep sleep, one of the four sleep phases that man has. But how much deep sleep do you need exactly? The Essential Importance of Sleep It has been […]

A good night’s sleep: the importance of sleep phases

A good night's sleep: the importance of sleep phases

A good night’s sleep is essential for our health. But of course you have those days when the alarm goes off without you really feeling rested. The reason? Perhaps you were just in one of the wrong sleep phases when the alarm clock forced you out of sleep. How exactly do these sleep phases  work? Sleep […]

Sustainable nutrition: how do you apply it in practice?

Sustainable nutrition: how do you apply it in practice?

Sustainable food. It may well be that you have come into contact with this term in recent years. Sustainability is a broad concept that considers the well-being of humans, animals and the environment. In this article, the focus will be on the environmental impact of food, and how you can contribute to a better environment. […]